Tuesday 29 January 2013

Our Australian Girl: Meet Lina by Sally Rippin and Meet Ruby by Penny Matthews - book reviews

 Our Australian Girl is a series of books published by Penguin Australia and written by a variety of well-known Australian authors.

The series is fantastic - each book looks at a different era of Australian history through the eyes of a young girl. It is fascinating to see what every day life was like for the girls, how their families worked, what they thought and what their school was like.

It is also nice to have different authors writing the books as it gives each girl a really unique voice and perspective.

Meet Lina: Lina is a young girl of Italian heritage living in 1956. Her family is different from the other girls at her new posh school and she is desperate to fit in.

Meet Ruby: Ruby lives in 1930s and has a blessed life until the Great Depression changes everything she knows. How will she cope?

Ruby and Lina are so normal, and so many of their experiences with their friends and families are the same as the issues young girls have now, that readers will have no trouble relating to them.

Eight Our Australian Girl books are published each year and there will be four books each about Ruby and Lina so these first books are just the start of their journey.

This is a great series; interesting, engaging and mildly educational.

And if you loved one of the books you are bound to love the rest of the series too making it a very safe birthday present!

Who'll love this: Girl aged 8-12.
Cost: $14.95
Publisher: Penguin Australia   

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